Pulsar Informatics is a leading fatigue risk management technology and professional services company.

Our software tools help safety management teams monitor fatigue risk in operations to help improve safety, reduce costs, and optimize performance. Founder owned and operated since our inception in 2001, we have made seminal contributions to the scientific understanding of human fatigue and performance over the past two decades. We advise governments around the world in regulatory policy and serve customers in multiple industries, including aviation, trucking, manufacturing, petrochemicals, defense, and space exploration.

Sleep science is continually evolving. We collaborate with the most prominent researchers in the field.

We are actively involved in supporting a variety of sleep research studies around the world. We are also leaders in the performance of high-fidelity field studies of operational alertness. Our R&D activities fundamentally support our efforts to create products that are grounded in the best science.

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Article header image of a suspicious mom with a teenager in the background on her phone

More Than a Box Tick: Achieving Operational Flexibility With an FRMS

Jul 10, 2024
Comprehensive FRM

Moms know best. This adage holds true in many domains of family life—allergies, grades, crushes. When thinking about aviation safety, though, perhaps the best illustration drawn from mom’s expertise is evaluating whether a sick child is eligible to return to school.

Seeing Is Believing: How Cognitive Bias Impacts Safety Decision-Making

Jan 17, 2024
Comprehensive FRM

Take a look at the image above. A long-lost Picasso? A ceremonial mask from an aboriginal jungle tribe? Nope. This is a close-up photo of part of Jupiter taken by the NASA Juno spacecraft on 7 September 2023.

Join Us at the HAC 28th Annual Conference & Trade Show!

Sep 25, 2023

We're excited to announce that we will be attending the Helicopter Association of Canada’s 28th Annual Conference & Trade Show—the largest annual gathering of the Canadian Helicopter Industry!<