Everyone knows fatigue is dangerous and costly.

But what can be done about it? There haven’t been tools to make fatigue risk management decisions easy. Until now.

How does Fatigue Meter work?


Our systems integrate with your scheduling and logging systems to import your workers’ duty schedules. You can analyze historical data as well as run scenarios to plan future schedules.

Import work schedules from your scheduling application.


Fatigue Meter’s algorithms apply the latest, peer-reviewed science to analyze your operational data. Our proprietary Off-Duty Behavior model estimates individual sleep periods and fatigue levels. Then predictive analytics give you a picture of each worker’s expected fatigue profile several days forward. Download more information about our fatigue model.


Our user-friendly dashboard lets you explore options to mitigate fatigue risk in upcoming schedules. Once your team decides on the best approach, you can proceed to implement the necessary changes in your scheduling system.

Spot fatigue risk and make the necessary scheduling changes before something happens


Whether it’s real-time monitoring or developing future work schedules, our tools help you maintain a safe and high-performance operation. Use our custom performance metrics to grade the safety of future schedules and evaluate the impact of planned process improvements.

Spotting fatigue risks ahead of time allows you to fine-tune upcoming schedules to maximize safety.

Originally developed for NASA and DOD, our technologies offer the best in security, performance, and ease of use.