The proven alertness test for assessing fitness for work.
Identify employees with alertness deficits caused by fatigue, medication use, and medical conditions.
PVT WorkFit is scientifically validated and widely recognized as the gold standard assay of neurobehavioral alertness. Employees take a 10-minute Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) as part of a fitness for work assessment. Clinicians can access test results instantly along with advanced analytics and normative data to aid interpretation.
PVT WorkFit provides a quantitative tool to periodically screen for alertness deficits as part of fitness for work evaluations. The test results are unaffected by aptitude, education level, and practice effects.
Designed for iPad
Accurate test delivery on iPad. Clinicians can get real-time results reporting on iPad or web dashboard.
Tailored to your needs
Configurable results retention options and secure report distribution tools.
Multi-lingual support
PVT WorkFit currently supports English and French.